October 31, 2007

Chicken or Ham

Trick or Treat
Smelly Feet
Chicken or Ham
In a red and green can

I thought I'd throw in a little Halloween humor (okay, maybe humor is a stretch). since today is October 31 (otherwise known as Halloween in the US). My kids are out of school today. Teacher workday, the school system is calling it. To the kids, I'm sure it feels like a holiday. In my house, we don't celebrate Halloween. Okay, we are going to a fall festival tonight but I've convinced myself that by going out at night to collect candy and play carnival games is not celebrating the day as holiday.

Halloween has always been a strange 'holiday' to me. I didn't grow up celebrating Halloween (or going to fall festivals on October 31st). That's right, I never dressed up in a costume on the last day of October and begged for candy in the dark.

In my little girl mind, only white folks celebrated Halloween. Black folks didn't do such foolishness. Now Halloween is totally integrated. Equal opportunity. Fully reconciled!

There must be something about the costumes or the candy that brings folks around the table of brotherhood. Maybe this is the key to reconciling American Christians.

Okay folks, dress up in your favorite (non-threatening) sitcom, blockbuster movie, or Bible character, grab a sturdy (reflective) plastic container, and go door-to-door collecting food. Then go back to your homes, dump everything on the kitchen table and split it up evenly.

Everyone would be filled with awe and many wonders and miracles of multiplication would be witnessed. They would have everything in common. And everyone who have what they needed for months and months. Steak, potatoes, corn, beans. Chicken and ham ... you name it.

Yes, it would be great. The First Church of Halloween.


Karlene Clark said...

Hi Linda,
You posted on my blog just after CCDA and it has taken me a bit to get over here and say hello. I've just spent the past 45 minutes reading your book excerpt and your blog. I'm really interested in your book now and I'd like to read it! I'd also love to get in touch and hear more about your experiences with reconciliation and with relocation. My husband and I are new to the CCDA and we are hungry to learn from others who are further down the road on this journey.

My e-mail is singamiga at yahoo.com if you'd like to get in touch. Thank you for visiting my blog and starting the conversation!


Linda Hargrove said...

Karlene, thanks for visiting. I'd be more than happy to share my experiences. Reconciliation and relocation are two things that need to be looked at from all angles/viewpoints.

Thanks for your email. I'll be in touch.